February Update
Hey friend,
Happy Black History Month!!( 365 for most) How have you been?! First off, thank you deeply for everyone that clicked, watched and gave feedback for this Living in Harmony journey. It means a lot and y’all will see the feedback you shared throughout this and future emails.
I have been working on sticking to a routine with success and fails. Grateful for a new month to try again(thanks to grace). Success looks like: creating a list, knowing the steps to complete and getting everything prepped beforehand. Fails looks like: Not allocating enough time and negative self talk when it’s not completed. Moving forward I have listened to Therapy as Christian podcast about grace and self sabotage. In those episodes I’ve learned that GRACE and setting real boundaries(with myself and others) is real and needed to be successful. Grace and boundaries looks like: Actually going to sleep at a decent time; incorporating some gentle movements beforehand, letting others know what you’re working on for a time to not shut them out but to also let them know you’re not ignoring them and most importantly leaning on Holy Spirit to strengthen me during this season(Romans 8:26). I would love to hear what you are working on in February!