February-Fruits of the Spirit

Posted: March 18, 2024 by Tyisha Henderson

Hey Friend! 

Happy Black History Month and the Lovely Love. What have you been up to lately? 

I appreciate everyone that responded to the survey last month to decide a good time to meet for yoga. If you haven’t done so,  I invite you to take some time to share your voice. 

Guess what?! Ya girl has a job now!! So wild how we ( I ) thought God was gonna work it out. (Isaiah 43:2) My first day of work was also my first day back home…on Taco Tuesday! Yes we had tacos. My heart smiled brightly as I saw how my nephew and family really saw me with some of my favorite snacks( mango slices and Luigi Italian Ice, if anyone was asking haha).It was a reminder of God’s protection and peace, I was nervous moving back home due to the past. Looking back at the past with fear and not wisdom is dangerous for growth. I ask you all to think about a past incident that you are like NEVER AGAIN and ask yourself is that fear talking or IF you had to redo again, what have you learned to navigate better with wisdom. For me, it is being more aware of when to speak up and when to listen; something that i’m working on daily. 

Double guess what?!!!! I got BAPTIZED!! Yes, completely reborn on 2/11/24; grateful. I started going to a new church and its Baptist through and through haha, meaning I was DUNKED in the water chile. Came up a new proudly proclaimed my faith. Deeply grateful for the friends and family that attended as a witness. After being baptized, God has shown me that my character needs some development(fruits of the spirit) Galatians 5:22-23. In particular–self control with my emotions, eating habits, thoughts. Grateful God is gracious enough to allow me to see these as things to improve and not condemn me on this journey with him. 

Now that I’m aware of the ways in particular my anger can take hold. Its passion. What ways can you grow in the fruits on the spirit?


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